
About Ed Hollett

Ed Hollett is a public relations and public policy professional with more than 30 years experience in both the public and private sector.

From 1989 to 1996,  Ed served as special assistant to Premier Clyde Wells. He was a Canadian Army public affairs officer from 1994 to 2000.  In the private sector,  Ed has represented clients in the aerospace, fishing, agriculture, and health sectors. 

Ed studied political science, history and policy development at Memorial University and as a civilian graduate student at the Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston.

He is an experienced executive public relations coach and a commentator on public relations and public policy in the conventional media both for local and national outlets.  

Since January 2005, Ed has been writing The Sir Robert Bond Papers,  the longest-running and most widely-read blog on politics and public policy in Newfoundland and Labrador.  Readers voted SRBP the best political blog in Canada in 2010 and 2011.

Contact:  ed_hollett at hotmail dot com