The Sir Robert Bond Papers
The real political division in society is between authoritarians and libertarians.
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About Ed Hollett
About Sir Robert
Churchill Falls and Muskrat Falls - Background
26 March 2019
Everyone loses: new MQO poll for NTV #nlpoli
On the eve of an anticipated election call, voters in Newfoundland and Labrador turn up their noses at everyone currently on the field. Th...
18 March 2019
Banning plastic bags and public policy in Newfoundland and Labrador #nlpoli
Effective public policy must be based on a clear understanding of the problem and its relation to other issues, as well as public needs and...
04 March 2019
Unformation #nlpoli
Changes in the news media, changes in the audience, and changes in what information organizations provide to the pubic have created the U...
18 February 2019
Seven Days of Books in One #nlpoli
The seven books from my part of the book challenge, with each described by the respective publisher's blurb: 1. The myth of the stron...
11 February 2019
The Politics of Beige #nlpoli
The trend is impossible to miss. Utterly undeniable. Since early 2016, through poll after poll, voters in Newfoundland and Labrador ha...
07 February 2019
Napalm sticks... #nlpoli
The latest poll from MQO is being reported as a statistical tie by NTV , while CBC says it shows a "neck and neck" race between t...
04 February 2019
The Turmoil and Topsy Turvy #nlpoli
With so much changing in any office, what has "always" been done really only goes back to the time of the last person who came i...
30 January 2019
Election year a time for serious issues #nlpoli
This originally appeared in The Telegram , 30 Jan 2019. Budget consultations are not the place for serious discussions of government f...
28 January 2019
Turmoil, unusual #nlpoli
A petro-state with political instability is a pretty weird idea but then again we *are* talking Newfoundland and Labrador. The Governm...
19 January 2019
The Spring Election - when and why #nlpoli
There's likely going to be an election before Victoria Day. If - by some miracle - the Liberals manage to win the Topsail-Paradise by-...
03 January 2019
Mitigating Muskrat Falls: Ron, Harry, and Hermione are still baffled #nlpoli
Mitigating the impacts Muskrat Falls will have on taxpayers of Newfoundland and Labrador remains the single biggest unanswered question in...
28 December 2018
The ins and outs of Equalization #nlpoli #cdnpoli
Each year, Canadian media conduct year-end interviews with politicians and every year the interviews are nothing but space fillers. This ...
17 December 2018
A spring election now seems more likely #nlpoli
Here's the local poll tracker, now that the final party choice poll of the year is in. (CRA Q4 Omnibus ) It's every party choice ...
06 November 2018
The MQO poll and Party Choice #nlpoli
MQO's quarterly omnibus poll shows some curious changes in public opinion about provincial political parties. The province-wide numbers...
24 September 2018
The Windsor Lake By-Election and polling #nlpoli
Market research firm MQO released a poll on September 10 about the Windsor Lake by-election. They'd surveyed 300 people about how the...
18 August 2018
The PUB, Exemptions, and Muskrat Falls #nlpoli #cdnpoli
Here’s some background on the issue of Muskrat Falls and Public Utilities Board exemptions. At the end you should know what an exemp...
27 July 2018
Bay du Nord and Equity #nlpoli
In a staged political event Thursday that was woefully short of basic details, the provincial government and Equinor announced they will pr...
03 July 2018
Electricity prices, risk, and what the editors didn't say #nlpoli
Okay. What Muskrat Falls will do to electricity prices is not funny. Never was. But what *is* extremely funny are columns like Russell...
20 June 2018
Rumpole and the Bleak House #nlpoli #cdnpoli
A scan of the docket for the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador, General Division reveals that the Provincial Court Judges are havi...
11 June 2018
Rumpole and the Ticking Clock #nlpoli #cdnpoli
There are rules about how long a judge may take to issue a decision. Now, now. The lawyers among you are already spitting their morning ...
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