
19 April 2005

Acting alive will doom Liberals: Harper

In the latest twist in the ongoing election speculation from Ottawa, Conservative Party leader says any Liberal who breathes, twitches, emits any identifiable brainwaves or otherwise acts in a living manner will trigger an election. He said that despite the fact Canadians elected Paul Martin's Liberal party as the national government, only the Conservative Opposition can hijack the operations of government and hold up legislation in the midst of needless election worrying.

Ok. I exaggerate.

But only just a bit.

Looking at the Globe this morning, I can see why Stephen Harper is upset at the Liberal government for re-scheduling the so-called Opposition day in the Commons this week.

But Stephan Harper, the elitist, is quickly discovering that the world does not dance to his tune and his tune alone. In fact, there are some legitimate parliamentary moves the Liberals have to frustrate Harper's efforts to become prime minister without really earning the job.

"If they want to try and govern without giving the opposition a democratic vote week after week after week, I think they are just signing their own death warrant," [Harper] said [in the Globe and Mail story.]

Any time a bill is brought before the House this week, next week, any week, the opposition parties get to vote on it as democratically as possible. In fact, there may well be a couple of opportunities to bring down the government before the Conservatives preferred time-table date of mid-May.

Look at Harper's language though: death warrant. Politicians don't just toss out words by accident. Leaders like Harper pick them. They get fed sound bites - phrases written by someone else and designed to appeal to specific audiences.

So there's Harper and his death warrant. That's the death warrant he's liked to wave these past few weeks as if Harper and Harper alone could execute Paul Martin for unspecified and unproven crimes, political and otherwise. Judge, Jury and Executioner Stephen Harper relishing his self-appointed status.

One of the many problems for Harper, of course is the fundamental clash between what he said about bringing down the government and the intentions that are obviously bringing out the nasty streak in him. Harper said he wouldn't vote non-confidence in the government until the public said they wanted a change. Every single recent poll says Canadians don't want an election by an overwhelming margin. Yet, Harper keeps waving around his death warrant for Martin.

Oh yes, and in a move reminiscent of his arrogance from the last federal election, Harper also has pulled together a transition team to help him take power in Ottawa.

Here's a clue, Stevie, it's our money, just like Preston Manning used to have to remind you every time you whined about having to explain your brilliant economic theories to the great unwashed out here.

and in the same way it is our call, not yours on who gets to be the next Prime Minister.

When Canadians want an election, they'll let you know loudly and clearly.

In the meantime, take off the hood, tell Mackay to put away his axe and get those back-room guys to stop building a scaffold.

Get down to the business of parliament.

And fire the idiot who fed you the line about death warrants.