
21 April 2005

Fighting on two fronts

Morning news always brings at least one laugh.

Today there were two.

Laugh one came courtesy of CBC Radio and the spectacle of Bernard Landry saying the Charest government was a disaster. Wow. Landry actually has experience in leading completely incompetent governments. Henceforth in politics, instead of "pot calling kettle black", let's all say "That's like Landry".

Laugh two came from the leader of Canada's other populous - but in this case amorphous - mass at the centre the ever popular Dalton McGuinty. Seems young Dalton has hit a wall in his efforts to squeeze more cash from Ottawa. He is now threatening to bruise the federal Liberals. He is threatening them with fighting a federal election coupled with attacks on a second front from Ontario.

During the Second World War, Ontario soldiers training for Normandy were known to have a peculiar habit. When moving through urban and suburban areas, they'd run along, open the gate, turn around, close the gate and enter the yard.

They never thought of just leaping over the fence, given the fear that maybe German machine guns were trained on the gate.

Polite little friggers those Ontarians.

Dalton McGuinty hitting a political wall.

Wind-up walking toy hits wall.

Same thing.

If Dalton wants to start boosting himself in the polls for real, then he needs to act like a politician. Gimme a call. I have a few spare minutes and no fence on my yard.