
13 April 2005

First in space, too!

Ok, is it just me or is there a pattern developing in the you read it here first department?

I haven't been keeping a close score on my "firsts" but this Anna Nicole thing made me start to wonder if I just see things before others do. I'll refrain from another silicone and size joke in the interests of good taste.

No, I am not psychic or delusional - they're the same thing.


I just got up this morning and read this story from Canadian Press, filed by Dene Moore.

Ms. Moore has found some obscure guy in some other part of the universe to tell her what - wait for it - you read here from a guy who works across the street from her office.

"But such a move seems odd because it's not the first time rockets have been fired over the East Coast oilfields, says Marco Caceres, a senior space analyst for The Teal Group, a U.S. aerospace and defence consulting firm."

Teal Group is a market intelligence firm - meaning they provide analysis to clients of a variety of issues in several aspects, like political, military, financial and social.

For the record, "market" intelligence is like any other form of intelligence. It requires gathering and then analyzing. In a simple sense what you have been getting in these pages is local intelligence analysis although not as detailed as my clients get.

See, cause that's the funny thing - one of the areas in which I practice is intelligence (information) and analysis. And, given my academic and military background, I do defence work.

So I'll be wandering across the street today to make sure that Dene is reading my blog.

She might actually get more information closer to home.

But you know, you read it here first.