
12 April 2005

Goosing the sauce

Inadvertent humour from politicians?

Oh heavens, say it isn't so.

Danny Williams in a CBC news story on yesterday's crab protest:

"We're not going to allow the union to force us or blackmail us into acting in another manner," Williams says.

and then the Great Quote -

"I don't respond to threats very well at all. I never have and never will."

This is the same guy who threatened to hound Prime Minister Martin if he didn't deliver.

And then, of course, there was the flag thing.

Apparently, the flags weren't going to go back up until Ottawa delivered on the deal.

Then they went back up before that.

The Premier is right. Threats shouldn't be part of politics. He can set the standard. Otherwise, he should expect threats and then more threats, 'cause what is sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander.