
20 April 2005

Res ipsa loquitor - the Kinsella case

Why would anyone waste any time trying to attack or otherwise malign Warren Kinsella?

Canadian Press is reporting that the intimidation story Kinsella floated to a Commons committee this week is "mysterious". Sheer bullshit would be a better description but that phrase isn't in the CP Style Book list of acceptable journalistic terms.

As CP reports, an individual, identified by CP as Frank Schiller called Kinsella to warn him that the PMO might pressure Kinsella's old boss David Dingwall to issue a statement disavowing Kinsella's allegation.

Well, d'uh.

That doesn't sound like a threat. It sounds like someone passing on a simple prediction so that Kinsella can be properly prepared.

So far, no one has come up with any aspect of this accusation that smells remotely like a threat or intimidation. Hard evidence is non-existent.

According to CP, even the parliamentary committees opposition members are leery of moving forward with anything on the Kinsella accusations because...well...ummm...on the face of it they lack substance.

Again. D'uh.

Meanwhile, over at Kinsella's blog there's the usual stuff he spouts. Today's post is a copy of an e-mail Kinsella sent to a TorStar reporter complaining about the veracity of a story concerning Kinsella's supposed association with a meeting of some group known, most likely, only to its members.

To cut a long post short, here's the last thing I am going to write about Warren Kinsella or anyone like him for that matter:

1. Res ipsa loquitor. Liberals in Ottawa should ignore Warren. He thrives on attention like other people need oxygen. Deny him attention, he dies.

2. Res ipsa loquitor. Everyone else out here should look at Kinsella and weigh what he is saying, how he says it and whether there is any substance to anything. We are smart enough to make up our own minds. Facts speak for themselves. If Kinsella is short on facts, draw logical conclusions.

So overall, let's just let the facts speak for themselves.

Accusations without evidence are merely words.

So far, we are long on Kinsella accusations and extremely short on evidence to substantiate them.

Let's get down to looking at something of substance and let Warren rant on in cyberspace.

I rest my case.