
16 May 2005

Conservative supporters in Newfoundland play name that tune

Interesting to see a couple of Newfoundland Connies who keep blogs - namely Damian Penny and Barry Stagg - agree that voting for the federal budget and the offshore money is a case of being bought off. Or being welfare bums.

At least, they seldom use the word "explosive" or "whore" as most Connies seem to do. Maybe one day there will be a dog-whistle breakdown and these guys will run around calling everyone an explosive whore. I shudder to think what that would involve.

Back to the point, this is a complete turn-around for two individuals who last year were hammering away at the federal government to fork over cash to the province.

Here's a link to Penny's blog and here's a link to some comments by the transplanted Tory, Stagg. Read'em for yourself.

Barry Stagg is particularly adept at tossing around the anger words that seem to motivate Conservatives.

Stagg even seems to find Margaret Wente's views to be appealing:

"The Fair Deal For Newfoundland web site reveals a sorry tendency to traffic in welfarism by backing the Liberal nastiness."

That's from his own blog, "The Boswarlos Daily".