
30 May 2005

Hearn continues to fight his own party

No one should ignore the fact that Loyola Hearn's plan to have the finance committee separate the offshore revenue deal from the main budget motion basically puts him at odds with his own party's plan to keep the budget from passing by any means necessary.

Canadian Press is reporting the Connies plan a number of measures to slow the House and in the finance committee have talked of calling witnesses to slow review of the budget bills.

Mr. Hearn's position, therefore is nothing short of pathetic, not because of Mr. Hearn but because of his party.

Mr. Hearn is now so desperate to garner whatever votes he can in anticipation of an election, he is trying to break off whatever parts of the budget he needs in order to keep them from being crushed by the Connie rush to the polls. Or is it the lemmings rush to the precipice?

If the Connies would just stop playing procedural games, the money would be on the way by the end of next month.