
23 May 2005

Monte Solberg, MP

Flip over to Monte Solberg's little blog when you need a laugh and see his musings posted as he flew off to be with his family over the long weekend.

I don't know what this guy did before he got into politics, but this is as good a lede as I have ever seen:

"This week will long be remembered in Conservative annals as the week that truly sucked."

Yep. That's about the size of it.

Now, Monte, ask yourself why it sucked.

The answer lives at Stornoway. The guy who resides there may be an eminent political tactician, but, by definition, a guy good at tactics sucks when it comes to strategy.

I hope Monte had a good a weekend with his family as I did with mine. And, for the record, no, Dad, I did not get any gardening done.

Who needs comments sections on a blog when your own family is full of people who pick up on every little thing?