
19 May 2005

Two "C"s to thank

Two members of parliament deserve the thanks of every Newfoundlander and Labradorian for helping push forward the government's budget bill:

Chuck Cadman and Carolyn Parish. The Two "C"s.

The other two C's, Conservatives Hearn and Doyle abandoned their province to side with their own personal and party interests. They followed their master's orders.

The Midnight Shuffle about voting for one bill but against the other never survived the light of the next day as commentator after commentator explained that it was procedural gobbledy gook. It was a pack of nonsense and easily seen as such.

Finance minister Ralph Goodale explained the silliness of the Doyle Hearn two-step to Open Line audiences next day.

And if that wasn't good enough, Premier Danny Williams made it plain how he viewed it.

So bad was the Doyle/Hearn position that, as stated here several days ago, the two local Connies had even alienated their base of local workers. Local Progressive Conservative friends of the pair have said openly that they will have a hard time knocking on doors for Doyle and Hearn.

So thanks, Chuck and Carolyn. If Conservatives live to their word, they will back off their plans to topple the government. The budget will be passed and offshore revenue cash will flow by the end of the current session - in June. For the record that is at least a full year before Stephen Harper's personal best estimate of when he might have been able to deliver something following an election.

In the meantime, Doyle and Hearn have shown their true colours.

Not pink white and green as Hearn likes to pretend, nor the red, white, blue and gold of the current provincial flag.


Norm and Loyola are deepest of deep blue.

They are true Reformatories.

Voters will remember who delivered the offshore revenue money.

That's why Norm and Loyola are still running scared.