
08 September 2005

Doc O'Keefe - Get a grip

Kevin Breen's municipal election signs have been defaced.

Actually, the crafty vandals cut some of the signs in such a way that they had to be replaced at what will likely be a cost of close to $2, 000 for the Breen campaign.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, a joker with a spray can painted the lord "lier" across signs for deputy mayoral candidate Dennis "Doc" O'Keefe.

Aside from the obvious spelling problems with the vandalism, Doc called the vandalism a new low in city politics.

Apparently, Doc thinks it's acceptable for his buddy Andy Wells to call the city's municipal candidates "cowards" and for Wells to be berate O'Keefe and his fellow councillors in public and private meetings.

O'Keefe must also think the spate of advertisements the Well's campaign ran last weekend are peachy keen too.

He must.

O'Keefe has said nothing at all about Andy Well's boorish behaviour lately or in the past.

Doc needs to get a grip, or at least a sense of perspective.