
28 October 2005

A blow for plain English

When I can get my hands on an electronic copy I'll post it here.

If I get a link, I'll post that.

But anyone who wants to read what is undoubtedly a straightforward legal decision written in plain English, check out Judge Harold Porter's decision today in the case of R v. Bouzan. Click here for an earlier posting that gives some detail of the actual constiutional provisions, that is actual as opposed to the goof-ball interpretation Bouzan and da byes were foisting.

Rick Bouzan is the executive director of something called the Newfoundland and Labrador Wildlife federation. He's a close associate of Jim Morgan and among the crowd of them there's twice as many groups that they represent all clogging call-in shows in favour of the Damn-Fool Fishery (copyright pending).

Anyway, Bouzan and a fishing companion were caught with untagged cod in their boat during last year's recreational fishing season. They tried to turn the whole matter into a constitutional issue by claiming that since they were only 500 metres offshore, the feds didn't have jurisdiction. Provincial boundaries extend out three miles.

Seems their legal help (no, it wasn't Lewis Tully) didn't actually read far enough through the constitution. As any lawyer worth 20 bucks and a pint at the Duke will tell you, the fishery is entirely in federal jurisdiction. The provincial boundaries don't enter into it.

(Left) Lewis Tully, nightschool-trained lawyer and erstwhile Ghostbuster.

Da byes were slapped with a fine of $100 each for violating the appropriate regulations and emerged from court promising to take their fight all the way to the Supreme Court of Canada.

We can only hold our breath waiting for the peals of laughter from the learned justices as yet another dingbat constitutional case comes their way.