
08 December 2005

The good old days

Is it only 15 years ago that a Conservative government introduced gun control measures that were considered draconian at the time?

Brian Mulroney and Kim Campbell. Closets of Gucci loafers replaced by a wild campaign in which the PM reportedly spent most of the time on her tour bus steaming up the back windows with her boyfriend.


Those were the days.

Prime Minister Paul Martin today announced plans to ban ownership of handguns except for police, some security firms and the military.

Steve Harper said the plan wouldn't crack down on illegal gun imports or impose harsher sentences for gun crime.

Now if this site is correct from some guy named Bruce Montague, the Conservative Party policy forum earlier this year actually removed a section calling for firearms owners to be licensed.

I doubt that Brian and Kim would consider that to be good policy, Steve, especially when you are quoted as supporting the record of past Conservative governments on gun control.