
18 December 2005

The Harper "Lock up yer brain" Tour

A battalion in every town.

Cash for children.

Cash for jocks.

Cash for everyone.

And now, the completely inane idea that if the Americans don't knock off being so difficult on the softwood lumber thing, Stephen Harper will replace the United States as Canada's major trading partner.

Since this story is printed in the National Lampoon Post, it's hard to take seriously, but apparently Stevie will promise Canadians anything, no matter how insane it is, if he thinks it will buy their vote.

I like to call it the Stevie Harper "Lock up your brain" Tour.

It should come as no surprise that the United States is considering a fence along its northern border, as Canadian Press is reporting. The goal is to apparently keep our right-wing mad cows from infecting their right-wing cows.

Given Harper's campaign, you can see the point.