
08 December 2005

Pollster or astrologer?

You can find some truly wacky things online these days, whether it is Liberal Warren Kinsella busily working to defeat the Liberals or this story from in which a Sudbury pollster predicts a majority Conservative government.

The basis for his prognostication? A gut feeling.

Apparently, he missed the tea leaves that morning and his Kerlian photography kit was on the fritz so he couldn't get an accurate reading of the political "aura".

I have a gut feeling too when I read this sort of crap commentary from a supposedly professional pollster. But it's not the kind of feeling I feel comfortable discussing in polite company. Even Imodium wouldn't handle it.

In the meantime, both Strategic Counsel and SES are producing polls with results in the same general neighbourhood. SES numbers up to 6 December show the Liberals on the way to a majority government.

Plug them into the seat predictor at Hill and Knowlton.

E-mail the results to your Connie friends and watch them develop apoplexy.