
04 October 2006

Another rejected Danny wordmark concept

Intrepid dumpster divers braved rotting heaps of leftovers from the countless meetings it took to come up with Danny Williams' Great Brand to find one of the entries that came closest to being adopted.

Williams revealed a wordmark on Monday that, if he is to be believed, is the only thing needed to turn the province from despair to prosperity. Only thing that is except for keeping him as The Leader.

According to notes in the file, this concept was designed to appeal to Williams' townie nationalist sensibilities. The bold venture was rejected, if the cryptic notes scribbled in Latin in the margin are any guide, since it was felt that the Celtification of Newfoundland (and Newfoundland Labrador) should be gradual as part of a process of inventing history and tradition to replace what actually occurred and existed.

Note the prominent placement of Danny Williams' preferred flag of Newfoundland. (and Newfoundland Labrador).

You'll never know how close we came to becoming known as the Land of Fish.