
17 November 2006

Isn't it ironic?

Which company sponsored Danny Williams' speech to the Empire Club in Toronto last year in which the Premier celebrated his triumph over the federal government?

Would the same company do it again knowing that with Danny Williams and all things cable...this time, it's personal.

Heck, what am I saying?

With Danny, it's always personal.

The guy who took his lunch money in Grade Three is likely in for a s**t-knocking any day now. Teams have been out searching for the guy for years.

Those British snobs who looked down on him at Oxford as being just another knobby little colonial who got into the school on a rich man's favour, rather than his ability?

One day, buddy. One day. You mark my words. When you least expect it.

Nigel. Nigel you little limey f**k.

He knows where live.

Watch your back, buddy.

'Til the cows come home.

Make The Troubles look like a celebration.

Oh yeah.