
28 December 2006

Law firm name of 2006

Atlantic regional law firms Patterson Palmer and Cox, Hanson, O'Reilly, Matheson announced in March that they would be merging effective in August.

Ok. Well, it's December and the firms are still operating separately if their separate websites are any indication.

But that's not the important bit.

The new firm will need a new name, since PPCHOM or some combination of those letters will be just too much for any letterhead to bear.

According to some sources, the firms have apparently settled on a new name for the merged firm, once it finally springs fully formed from the broodings of way too many corporate anal-retentive lawyers.

The name they've reputedly settled on: Cox, Palmer.

The stories Bond Papers has been getting could be apocryphal - the polite word for bullshite - but then again, you never know.

Over in the land God gave to Lucy Maud, the authorities were seriously considering naming a new post-secondary school the Samuel Holland Institute of Technology until someone wrote down the new acronym.

You may note that the two firms hired a Halifax-based ad agency - the cleverly named Extreme Group - to carry out the branding exercise for the new creation once the lawyers have finished the due diligence piece.