
01 December 2006

Thank you CBC

With one single hire, CBC has crippled the ego-fest known as Out of the Fog.

Officially a light entertainment show, it pretended to cover serious news. You can't do that if there is an official editoral policy that says government ministers get the kid gloves, the Premier gets an ass-kissing and everyone else gets the shaft.

Hard to be objective when The Boss is family, but at least they could make an effort to hide the bias.

Meanwhile, if Krysta's got hard news potential or hard news aspirations, she can realise it if she takes advice from the experienced news people around her at CBC. The shameless on-air boot-licking she practiced at Rogers just won't fly anywhere else.

I'd tell her the same thing if the new show was at NTV.

Let's see how it goes.

As for CBC news, Here and Now does not need more light filler. Let Krysta occupy the afternoon slot unless you need to push audience her way. But keep her appearances to a minimum; Here and Now has enough of the softer, background stuff.

Here and Now is doing better than when it retruned to the hour format but overall it needs to get its old edge back. Finding that balance between edge and everything else is difficult.

Let's just say that more Krysta wouldn't be a whetstone.