
29 January 2007

Every bit helps, shurely

Danny Williams didn't waste any time issuing a "news" release proclaiming his trip to Alberta a great success.

Don't look for anything concrete mind you, like a contract.


The oil industry in Alberta is looking forward to their buy-sell forum in March which, incidentally, is where NOIA will be focusing much its energy on behalf of its members. NOIA likely figured out that junkets usually don't produce much except the palaver seen thus far.

Danny didn't include NOIA in his entourage for some unfathomable reason.

But I digress.

Speaking of vacuous comment devoid of meaning, though, the official government release quotes a representative of Production Services Network:
"I was very pleased to meet with the business and community leaders of Edmonton and Fort McMurray to discuss ways we can help each other grow our businesses," said Roger Clarke of Production Services Network. "I believe that this mission will provide long term benefit to our company, the oil and gas industry of Newfoundland and Labrador and the economy in general. I thank the Government of Newfoundland and Labrador for this opportunity."
Great company with tons of expertise both here and abroad, but it isn't like a former division of Halliburton needs Danny Williams to introduce the company to the oil business.