
08 January 2007

He didn't say that before

Danny's threatening to stay around as long as it takes to sort out the House of Assembly mess.

It's not like he said that before.

No. This is a new promise to stay as long as it takes.

Don't think of it as used.

Shop-worn even.

Think of it more like a previously-loved comment.

Only driven by a little old premier once a week during a scrum during the latest jihad against foreign infidels:
"I can tell Exxon Mobil that I will be in this office when this project gets done … If that takes 10 terms, and the people of Newfoundland and Labrador want to re-elect us time and time again, we'll stay here till this is done," he said.

"They won't wait us out."
That's what he said in April, after the Hebron talks collapsed and Danny promised that in retaliation he was gonna "take ExxonMobil out."

Yeah. Right. Like that happened.

Of course, Danny Williams is fond of bitching about the burden he carries and mused out loud - after getting back from the latest trip to Florida for the weekend - about retiring so he doesn't have to slog away 24/7 on behalf of his ungrateful subjects for the betterment of the province.

Heck, Danny's frustration got so bad before Christmas, he even announced his retirement to VOCM, albeit about four years in advance.

So we can all rest assured Danny Williams will be here for another term or four until Hebron is sorted out and the House of Assembly is fixed.

or he will be gone after the next election.

or not.