
05 January 2007

Spiderman knew what Danny apparently doesn't

Danny Williams is apparently frustrated by the ongoing scandal in the House of Assembly and information coming supposedly in dribs and drabs.

Danny can only blame himself. He didn't create the problem but - by his own claim from the outset in June 2006 - he has taken full responsibility for how his administration is dealing with the scandal.

From the outset, the Premier endorsed - without reservation - the Auditor General and his work.

If Danny Williams now finds a problem with the system, he has no one to blame but himself.

The Premier and his ministers rejected flatly the appointment of a public inquiry supported by forensic auditors who would have the complete skill-set and the complete legal authority to conduct thorough and proper reviews in a timely manner.

It's not like people haven't pointed out problems with the Auditor General's reports and the entire process.

It's like Uncle Ben told Peter Parker: with great power comes great responsibility.

Danny Williams has great power. He also has the great responsibility.

Rather than whine about it, Danny Williams should exercise it.

If he can't or won't then, by all means he can stop merely envying Loyola Sullivan and join him in private life.

Most of the people in the province - your humble e-scribbler included - believe that the Premier can do the job.

The only question is: "Will he?"