
15 June 2007

From the police blotter

Some Friday night humour, courtesy of a google news search for the word "oil", comes via the police blotter published in the South Delta Leader.

There's a rash of outboard motor thefts, including this one:
June 8, 2 p.m., 100 block 66 Street: Complainant reported the theft of an outboard motor from the back of his boat that was parked on his driveway. The motor was secured by an anti-theft device that was also stolen. The outboard motor is a 2006, grey, Yamaha 8 hp valued at $3,500.
The only place where "oil"turned up was in this report:
June 12, 6:07 p.m., 4900 block Coleman Place: Complainant reported that an unknown suspect dumped oil on his front lawn. Nothing suspicious seen or heard in the area. The complainant also reported that this is the second such incident.
If the incident occurred in Ottawa at 24 Sussex, and the Lone Oil Skulker had his hair parted down the middle, we could probably come up with a suspect. For now we can just file this as bizarre. Right next to the string of outboard motor thefts.

And the stolen anti-theft device.
