
28 November 2007

Harper to visit, meet Williams

Prime Minister Stephen Harper will be visiting Newfoundland and Labrador this weekend.

Jungle drums say the PM will be in Cupids, possibly to announce some federal cash for the historic site there.

Some of the drums say that Harper will meet with Danny Williams sometime during the trip - maybe on Saturday - to see if the two can patch things up.

How exactly will the Eighth Floor blackberries pound out that one, especially if Harper doesn't roll over on every issue?

Will they recite the list of broken promises?

They certainly can't claim the PMO didn't call first.

Almost immediate update:  So here's the thing.  With Rodney already absorbed into the collective and Lorne Calvert defeated at the polls, Danny and Steve making up is the next logical step.

Can Danny really go it alone against Harper?

Will he?
