
02 April 2008

A pattern of behaviour

Ross Wiseman.

Ross gets an angry phone call or calls from Florida.

He's not alone, most likely. Plenty of people are getting calls. It may be "personal time" but since everything is personal, all the time, to some people, that means you are never really off the job.

See Ross Wiseman turn up at a hastily called news conference to "correct" comments made by someone else which actually didn't need correction since they were accurate in the first place.

In the first instance, see Ross blurt out something about facilities reports, then deny the reports existed and then realize he can't keep up the charade.

In the second instance, there were no leaks but there was the dubious business of characterizing evidence about to come before the Cameron Inquiry before it was actually presented.

In both cases, the Wiseman scrum was a bit of political "spin" management on a story that can't be spun using the ham0fisted approaches of the recent past.

A pattern is starting to develop.
