
13 July 2008

More bang for the buck.

There's no secret to it, fat or otherwise.

It doesn't cause cancer, nor is it a secret cancer cure.

It's definitely green, though, as in green like all outdoors.



The green of the ocean showing against the white of a gigantic iceberg breaking up on the north east coast of Newfoundland, near a place called Twillingate.

If you want to draw people to Newfoundland and Labrador, you can spend 11 million bucks and show them pictures of a local musician - as fine as he is - in an entirely contrived setting being quaint and folksy and cliched, or you can show them this:

Done correctly, the power of social media could earn a much greater return on investment than anything seen in this province thus far.

Bear in mind, the growth in the number of real tourists - those from outside Newfoundland and Labrador - hasn't really matched the growth in the money spent to lure them here using the old methods.

It's called the Law of Diminishing Visitor Returns.

Let's see if we can change that with the cost of zero dollars and a little Internet promotion, not counting Wilma Hartmann's travel expenses.

From cliche to nature.

Call it the green shift.


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