
03 December 2008

How rigged was my rally? Stand up for Canada version

The federal Conservatives must be really running scared at the prospect of a coalition ousting them before Christmas.

You can tell because someone evidently connected to the Connies has a website announcing rallies to be held "coast to coast" to stand up for Canada.  The party that has spent more time than any part other than the Bloc sucking up to provincialists and separatists is suddenly wrapping itself in the flag.

Such hypocrisy is not going unnoticed.

Heck, these goomers can't even tell when there's a flag in the room or if there is a flag what it actually means.

But hey, at least there will be rallies for the country in every part of the country, right?

Not likely.

New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador are all missing from the rally list.

This whole sham rally thing is all too familiar for people in Newfoundland and Labrador. A "stand up for Newfoundland and Labrador rally".

They've seen it before, just like they've seen a lot of things done by the federal Conservatives that look very familiar.

It is a sensitive subject, comparing the two Conservative parties, as the Premier said in the House yesterday: "Don’t try and compare us to what the Harper government has done in Ottawa."

