
06 May 2009

The Value of an Oxford education

"You see what's happening in countries like Denmark with the whale slaughters. We see other parts of the world where kangaroos are being culled by the hundreds of thousands, and yet they're after the seal harvest here in Newfoundland and Labrador," [Premier Danny Williams] said.

"So Europeans should have a good, hard look at themselves."

Europe = Denmark.


Europe = Kangaroos.


Evidently Williams didn’t read geography at  Oxford.

continents_map_sm For the record, here’s Europe (the bit in yellow) and the place where kangaroos come from (Australia, shown in red). 

Not the same thing.

Kangaroos are found only in Australia.  There are no kangaroos in Europe, except in zoos but people aren’t allowed to bash them.

Your humble e-scribbler did not attend Oxford.
