
15 December 2009

Bon Deal. Bad Deal.

Turns out buying NB Power could be a very bad deal for Hydro-Quebec.

Of course, that would make it a very good deal for New Brunswickers.

Update:  As Mark correctly noted in a comment, a bad deal for one doesn't make it a good deal for the other.

If you read the article, though, you will see that many of the points made early on discuss what are the positive aspects for New Brunswick.  There are positive aspects for Hydro-Quebec as well; the variation just depends on what the price of power turns out to be down the road.

And of course, by the end of the article, Claude Garcia  of the Montreal Economic Institute, makes an argument based about MEi's projections for power prices over the medium- to long-term.

Despite the huge difference between the price offered and the real value of the assets being acquired, no allowance is made for the increase in electricity prices likely to result from the enforcement of a new international treaty significantly limiting carbon emissions. This deal is not acceptable as currently structured. The price is too high for the benefits to be obtained.Despite the huge difference between the price offered and the real value of the assets being acquired, no allowance is made for the increase in electricity prices likely to result from the enforcement of a new international treaty significantly limiting carbon emissions. This deal is not acceptable as currently structured. The price is too high for the benefits to be obtained.
