
01 October 2010

Traffic patterns: September 2010

If you weren’t one of the 14,412 people generating 17,698 pageviews at Bond Papers in September, here’s what they were reading:

  1. Jane Taber – Twit (the Globe’s gossip columnist)
  2. Court docket now online  (the Provincial Court docket)
  3. Cruise ends abruptly in St. John’s (Cruise ship problems)
  4. Hurricane Igor Emergency Response: TASFU  (Enduring problems in provincial government’s emergency response)
  5. Harper/Williams disconnect  (What the PM said DND sent to help with Hurricane Igor versus what the provgov announced)
  6. Cruise ship sale and passengers “not even an issue”:  mayor (Doc O’Keefe puts his foot in his mouth…again.)
  7. Katrina North:  the picture changes (Public complaints about the provincial government’s hurricane relief efforts)
  8. Process stories, or real insiders don’t gab (The foolish election speculation in The Hill Times)
  9. Bury my lede at Muskrat Falls (From August, the real news (not good by any means) buried in a recent media report on the Lower Churchill buried)
  10. 24 French (The Premier and This hour has 22 minutes)

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