
04 April 2011

PC exec voted to remove “Federal Conservative Party” from party constitution in 2008

Minutes of a September 2008 executive meeting of the provincial Progressive Conservative party show that the members voted unanimously in favour of a motion to recommend deleting the “Federal Conservative Party” from the provincial party constitution.

The change went to the 2008 fall annual general meeting for a vote of delegates.

According to the minutes:

“Considerable discussion was held on this topic and everyone in attendance agreed that probably this should have been done years ago and enthusiastically endorsed the initiative.”

Those in attendance at the meeting included party president John Babb, cabinet representative Tom Hedderson and caucus representative Ed Buckingham who – if last week’s rally is any indication - now like the federal Conservatives a whole lot more than they did then.

Interestingly enough, the party constitution made public during the recent leadership racket still lists some federal party positions as being “affiliated” with the provincial Conservatives.

And bizarrely enough, Danny Williams claimed that he led a Reform-based Conservative Party, in an interview with the National Post in late 2010.  Williams said his party was “ideologically more right-wing.”

More right wing than what?







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