
27 August 2011

MF Traffic Report

Turns out the MF deal is a mf, at least for the political fortunes of the gang who cooked up the scheme to ship discount power to Nova Scotia paid for entirely by the taxpayers of Newfoundland and Labrador.

The week that an environmental panel demolished the foundation for Danny Williams’ retirement scheme and Kathy Dunderdale’s bid for the history books, here’s what the readers of the Sir Robert Bond Papers picked as their top 10 posts:

  1. NDP avoids straight answer on Muskrat Falls
  2. A monstrous abuse continues
  3. Subsidizing subsidized industry…somewhere else
  4. Joint environmental panel slams Muskrat Falls
  5. The Power of Confusion:  the Three Amigos Update
  6. Layton’s Legacy
  7. Venus in Furs:  Muskrat Falls edition
  8. Bury my lede at Muskrat Falls and Random Post in Latin:  ALF edition
  9. Misleading the House:  recall the whole power recall story
  10. Muskrat falls fails joint federal/provincial environmental review

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