
10 September 2011

Traffic for September 5 – 9, 2011

ya know that something is going on when the traffic at ye olde e-scribbles starts jumping up by 25% from the previous month.

And that’s a real 25%, not an hyper-torqued NDP 25% that is actually just one percent. 

If you want to see more on  the story of the NDP’s deceptive news release on small business taxes, it hit the Number 8 slot on the top 10 Bond posts for last week, as chosen by the readers themselves.

Lots of “D”s in the Top 10 last week, including Danny, Desperation,  Donations,  Duff and Doyle, as in Republic of.  Even without putting the words in the headline lots of people found it and likely had a little chuckle as they went.

The week after Labour Day turned out to be highly charged politically and if the trend holds this will be one of the more interesting fall seasons in recent times.

So in case you missed these posts during the week, settle in and enjoy what caught everyone’s attention here at SRBP last week.

  1. RCMP investigating SNC Lavalin officials over corruption allegations
  2. And he is known by the company he keeps…
  3. Democracy Watch:  Duff’s guff
  4. Dateline:  Desperation, Newfoundland
  5. The Joy of Political Giving:  punch in the bake edition
  6. Danny, Gary and Steve:  old inconsistencies die hard
  7. Rideout tags Tories for election pork-fest
  8. The Politics of Cynicism;  even worse than thought edition and What you can see at the horse race…
  9. The Joy of Political Giving:  Look for the union label
  10. The Joy of Political Giving:  If you want to build it, they will give

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