
15 October 2011

Election Week Traffic #nlpoli

The ballots are in and counted.

People are still trying to grasp the enormity of what happened

Next week, SRBP will have a series on polls during the election.   We’ll look at the polls themselves, compare their findings with the actual results, tackle the comments by Liberal leader Kevin Aylward, and look at the way the local media used polls.

If that isn’t enough for the election junkies out there, we’ll also turn attention to some of the issues connected to the historic low turn-out in last week’s general election.

We’ll take a closer look at the NDP and Liberal campaigns and the seats they won plus there’ll be the usual collection of comments about and observations on public life in the province.

There’s always lots to chew over at SRBP.

In the meantime, to keep you going, here are the top 10 stories SRBP readers were poring over last week:

  1. Here’s what an opposition party looks like
  2. Globe and Shitemail
  3. The Morning After the Night Before
  4. Williams set to offer comms director plum patronage job
  5. The way not to change
  6. She can’t handle the truth
  7. Whom the gods destroy
  8. Motivation and demotivation
  9. A house divided
  10. What does sanction really mean?

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