
05 October 2011

Searching for Rescue #nlpoli #nlvotes

Tory boss Kathy Dunderdale and Grit boss Kevin Aylward both think that the provincial government should investigate search and rescue response times around the province and then push Ottawa to spend more.

Classic provincial politician’s political play:  go on a crusade to get the feds to pay.

It’s also a classic for the party leaders in this provincial election campaign to agree on the need to spend provincial cash on federal stuff. 

You may recall that Kathy Dunderdale was the first one to pledge to spend provincial tax dollars to keep a co-ordination centre running so that former Tory candidate Merv Wiseman and his colleagues could work in Sin Jawns some more.

Now that Merv is a provincial Liberal candidate, the Liberals think that’s the way to go as well.

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