
13 October 2011

The way not to change #nlpoli

Kevin Aylward did a yeoman service to his party by stepping in and leading it through a tough time.

He didn’t add anything to the seat tally. 

Anyone who claims otherwise is full of shite. Those seats came from the hard work of the individuals running in each of them plus, in one case, the marvels of the internal combustion engine.

Now Aylward finds himself a leader without a seat in the legislature.

The political gods have a fine sense of humour.

Not to worry. 

There’s not much point in Kevin hanging about. Even if your humble e-scribbler had not already suggested that convention dictates he go,  Kevin is facing the advice of one of his old caucus mates.

Chris Decker told listeners to a CBC radio call-in show that Kevin needs to go:

For one thing, Decker said, the Liberals would lose Opposition status, as they would then be tied with the NDP at five seats each.

As well, Decker said, Tuesday's election showed that the Liberals cannot count on voters in any particular district.

Former cabinet minister John Efford chimed in and suggested the party should hold a leadership convention so that Kevin or John himself or anyone else who wanted it can have a go at the job.

Tuesday night proved to be a “holy f***, that was close” moment for the people running the Liberal Party and for people, like John Efford, who want to run the party. 

Now that the danger has passed they want to get right back to the old ways of doing business that put the party in his current sorry state.

The party needs to change.

A credible political party cannot afford to have a repeat of recent history including the way Jones left the job a few weeks ago and the board picked her replacement.

Change means things have to be different.  More of the same is not an option.  Change also means that so many people within the party will have to give up the traditional Liberal Party delusion that some saviour, some messiah will appear and make all the problems go away.

The party also can’t afford to try and recycle someone – whether Aylward, Efford or Jones – even on a temporary basis.  temporary has a tendency to become permanent, especially when the shock of a near death experience wears off.

That would be the way not to change.

And if people want the Liberal Party to survive, change is the only choice left.

- srbp -