
24 January 2012

Kremlinology 37: United in Differences

As the Newfoundland and Labrador news release noted, the energy ministers from the four Atlantic provinces got together on Monday for a gab session.

Those who stood waiting for Jerome!’s latest tweet on Muskrat now know where The Oracle had been all day.

In Prince Edward Island, they issued their own release, including talk of Muskrat Falls.

All the Nova Scotians did was flip out a link to the release from Newfoundland and Labrador. 

Odd that, donchya think?

Odd that PEI did their own thing, but the Nova Scotians didn’t.

Odd given the close relationship between the baymen and the bluenosers on energy issues these days.  They should be on the same wave length right down to the fact that Kathy Dunderdale’s comms director is now issuing releases for the Nova Scotia energy department.

Maybe it’s nothing.

Then again, we are only a week away from the second deadline for Emera and Nalcor to finish their agreement on Muskrat Falls.  Maybe the the Nova Scotians don’t want to draw attention to Muskrat Falls if they have a sense that the deadline may get shifted back again.

Let’s see what happens between now and January 31.

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