
13 September 2012

Brian Peckford’s memoir now on sale #nlpoli

Updated:  Book signing dates below

The room at the Battery Hotel and Suites was packed with former politicians and public servants who were involved in some of the most important events in the province’s history over the past 35 years.

Noticeably absent from the launch of former Premier Brian Peckford’s memoir were members of the current Conservative caucus in the House of Assembly. 

Well, except for St. John’s South MHA Tom Osborne. 

Tom stood out. 

And that’s saying something.

This is a book to buy now, especially for reporters, politicians and anyone else who wants to understand what is going on in the province and the country today. Offshore resources, federal-provincial relations, repatriation of the constitution.  It’s all here in both the body of the book and in the voluminous appendices

Don’t wait.  It’s in the local bookstores.  Peckford will be doing some book signings, including at Costco.

You can also buy it straight from the publisher – Flanker Press – in either hard copy or Kindle or Kobo format for e-readers. The buttons link straight to Flanker’s website.

        Ebook Listing

SRBP will review the book in the near future.


Brian Peckford will be signing his new book at the following locations:

Friday, September 14, 2012

5PM - 7PM
Chapters, St. John's

Saturday, September 15, 2012

1PM - 3PM
Costco, St. John's

Saturday, September 15, 2012

4PM - 6PM
Coles, Avalon Mall

Sunday, September 16, 2012

2PM - 4PM
Costco, St. John's