
14 October 2012

Same Old New Energy! #nlpoli

Thanks to the Telegram’s James McLeod and his Twitter feed from Gander, take a look at two of the resolutions from the Progressive Conservative.

ImageHere’s the one on fiscal responsibility.

Read it, though, and you quickly realize that the resolution is about continuing on the same path that produced the current fiscal mess in the first place.

Former cabinet minister Paul Oram called it “unsustainable”.

Kathy Dunderdale said the same thing and said earlier this year that the Tories had to change direction.

Now the resolution is to keep things just the way they have been.  Basically, the province’s Tories want more fiscal mismanagement through overspending and heavy public debt.

ImageThen there’s the resolution on the Lower Churchill.

Introduced by Dunderdale’s own district association.

Notice that it makes absolutely no mention whatsoever of Muskrat Falls.

If the Tories scrapped Muskrat Falls tomorrow, they’d still be in line with this resolution.  It’s motherhood and toutons. 

And frankly, if you went back through previous Tory conventions you might see exactly the same resolution supported unanimously by a previous crowd of badly hung-over Tories in Gander on a Saturday in the fall of the year.

Heck, you’d probably find a couple of resolutions with much the same wording voted by badly hung-over Tory and Liberal Party convention delegates at any time over the past 40 years.

“It is not some other party’s legacy,”  Kathy Dunderdale told delegates Friday night.  “We made this happen.”

Sure, Kathy.

Whatever you say.
