
08 February 2013

Score Two for the Telly #nlpoli

James McLeod’s Telegram front-pager – above the masthead no less – on John Noseworthy’s $150,000 contract with the provincial government got all the facts right.

He nailed it all, in detail.

Plus he provided the complete explanation offered by Joan Shea, the minister of the department that gave Noseworthy the contract.

That was one.

His second score was a news release issued by Shea on Thursday.

Shea wanted to “clarify” what she referred to as “misinformation” in the story.

Except she didn’t actually provide any information that showed where McLeod got it wrong and what the right answer was.

And Shea’s quote in the release repeats pretty exactly what McLeod had attributed to her in the original story.
