
27 December 2013

The SRBP Top 13 for 2013 #nlpoli

For your reading pleasure as we head into the last weekend of 2013 is the list of the top 13 stories at SRBP, as determined by what the readers turned to most:

The most popular post of 2013 was actually a link to Cabot Martin’s analysis of the problem Muskrat Falls project faces from unstable soil.  Check out Muskrat Falls weakness:  the North Spur.

Not surprisingly, the second biggest post of the year was one that dissected the lame excuses that Jerome Kennedy offered for his abrupt departure from politics. Try a little Truth and Fiction.

This post from November 2012 is an SRBP phenomenon.  It has been among the top posts of every month since it first appeared: Gil Bennett won’t retweet this post.  So far it doesn’t look like he did, but readers have gone back to it over and over to get a handle on the water management issue and Muskrat Falls.

Dunderporn and Dunderfarce reminds us of one of the many reasons why the provincial Conservatives didn’1t just fall out of favour with the public, they actively shot themselves in the foot over and over again.

The Ghost in the Turbines is a compilation of posts on the Lower Churchill.  People have been looking for background and they found it here.

Firm and Unfirm was about Kathy Dunderdale’s explanation about how Nalcor would meet its promises to supply Emera with lots of cheap electricity.  The title would also easily describe the endless and often contradictory rationales Dunderdale and others have offered for Muskrat Falls.

The Liberal leadership attracted five candidates, three of whom ran strong campaigns for the Liberal Party’s top job in 2013.  The campaign did more to rebuild the Liberal Party than anything else that anyone has done in the past decade.  In the middle of the year,  SRBP took an axe – one again – to the imaginary candidacy of Dean MacDonald: The Saviour Lives…again.  Thankfully, the erstwhile saviour stayed politically dead.

Socially responsible reporting trumps irresponsible government every time.  The title says it all.

The Keystone Kops Ride Again.  Yes, folks.  Kathy Dunderdale didn't;t earn the disdain of her fellow Newfoundlanders and Labradorians by making tough but necessary decisions. 

She and her colleagues displayed their political stupidity over and over again and the Keystone Kops and Dunderfarce 2 showed.

Nutbar Factor 6 was a blast from 2010 and Kevin O’Leary’s take on the legacy of Danny Williams.

Stress, friends.  Lots of it.  Kathy Dunderdale had a horrid year.  The photo that accompanied this post  - She’s got Marty Feldman eyes – showed it clearly.

Rounding out the top 13 posts of the year is yet another one from the early part of the year when the Conservatives showed they really were the gang that couldn’t shoot straight…except when their toes were in the line of sight:  Oblivious Neutron Bomb.
