
03 May 2005

Doyle and Hearn to vote down oil money

The National Lampoon, unofficial propaganda organ of the CPC, is reporting that Reform-aTory members of parliament voted unanimously last night to bring down the government at the earliest opportunity and force an election on an unwilling Canadian public.

"Harper said he doesn't care what public opinion polls are saying, now is the time to act." Feed me, Seymour, indeed!

Well ladies and gentleman, that means that the Reform-a-Tories have unanimously agreed to defeat the government before the offshore accord money can be voted through the House.

Before they start sputing the "separate bill" bull, read the prime minister's letter. I have been saying for weeks that the government had tried to accommodate Reform-a-Tory objections on Kyoto to speed passage of Danny's Billions.

The money is being held up by Stephen Harper and now we learn that both Norm Doyle And Loyola Hearn have decided to join him in defeating the government.

When it came down to the wire, Norm and Loyola voted with their party.

Party before province.

What a concept.

Remember that at the end of June.