
03 May 2005

Stevie Harper - rabid loon

Here's a quote that just screams "idiot".

It's from the National Lampoon today. One Stephen Harper -

"After his caucus meeting, Harper dismissed questions about the polls:

"What I've said all along is I don't care what the polls say.''

He added:"What I know is that every poll in the last four years since I've been Leader of the Opposition has turned out to be wrong.''

Every poll, Steve?

Like the one from SES Research before the last election that showed the final results with a point?

Count on some enterprising reporter tackling that bit of Harper crap. It's the kind of idiotic comment that politicians blurt out every once in a while in what is obviously an overheated moment.

The proof of the its complete inaccuracy usually leads to a major ding in the old credibility armour. Steve can't take too many more of those.

Meanwhile over at the Liberal bunker, they'll be pointing to this simple formula:

Poll = election.

"No poll has been right since I have been Leader": Stevie Harper

Stephen Harper tells Canadians they don't know what they are doing.

If this Reform-a-Tory strategy works, I'll be the most surprised politico in the country. That is, right after all the in-house Reform-a-Tory strategists.