
02 September 2009

Confusion reigns in election story

So which is it?

Are election campaigns too expensive or is “at large” candidate Sheilagh O’Leary having trouble raising money because none of her prospective donors can get a tax receipt?

A story seems to be all confuddled.

The headline is about the cost of running campaigns. m That’s also the premise on which they spoke to mayoral wannabe Ron Ellsworth.  Good call, too ‘cause Ellsworth evidently believes campaigns are about how much money you can throw into things.

But the quote from O’Leary on which the whole piece hangs isn’t about that at all.

Sheilagh O'Leary, who is running for councillor at large, said candidates should get tax deductions for some of their election expenses, a change she wants to see in time for the next municipal election.

"I would certainly like to see that changed because certainly in provincial and federal elections you get a tax deductible receipt, and that is very enticing for people, no kidding, when it comes to tax time," she said. "I think there are a lot of people who are daunted about the financial cost."

Maybe the CBC reporter misunderstood what O’Leary was talking about.

Maybe O’Leary misunderstood.

But there’s no doubt that the tax break O’Leary is looking for isn’t the one aimed at candidates.

So what’s the real story here?

Someone at CBC needs to go back and find it because the whole point is lost in there somewhere.

Meanwhile, unless she is another one of those candidates who finances their own campaign, O’Leary looks confused.  meanwhile, the story prompted a range of comments from people interested in banning campaign signs to a couple of Ron and Sheighlagh supporters who evidently have no idea what is on the go and don’t care.

Talking about anything but the issue at hand or what city council actually does.

Gee, how appropriate for a townie municipal election.
