He becomes the third Tory to pull pin in little over a month, thereby forcing Premier Danny Williams to call no fewer than three by-elections by the middle of March.
Other names are due to come just as they will for the Liberals too. The thing is it is so strange for a first-term party fresh off years on the opposition benches to suffer attrition at such a rate. Including the three already declared, Bond Papers has about another seven names who either won't run again or who are in danger of losing their seats for one reason of another.
A year ago that list of Tories dead or on life support was completely blank.
Hodder deserves a proper send-off, for this is second retirement from politics.
Hodder was first elected in 1975 as a Liberal, crossed the floor in the 1980s to sit with the Conservatives and subsequently served in Peckford's cabinet. After resigning from politics in the 1990s he ran again after a brief absence and was re-elected.
For those who read this far, here's a bonus question for 10 points:
What other current member of the provincial legislature with a career profile very similar to Hodder's is also looking at resigning from the legislature?

Hint: unlike Hodder, this re-tread made it to cabinet again.