But, as the Telegram is reporting, Jamie Korab wonders that he might have gotten the flick for questioning Gushue. The skip apparently took that as a "personal attack."
Following the end, Gushue reportedly told his team not to give up. Korab reminded his skip not to give up, either.A few weeks ago, rumours abounded that Danny Williams' crew was pitching the idea that Gushue should run for the Williams' party in the next provincial general election.
The two bantered back and forth with Korab calling Gushue a hypocrite.
All I’m saying, Korab apparently told his skip, is you’re telling us not to quit. I’m telling you not to quit.
Korab said Gushue then said something — he won’t say what it was— “snarky”.
“I said, ‘Brad, come here. Let’s talk about this.’ I said, in an assertive way if you want to call it that, ‘You say stuff like that to us all the time and it’s the first time I’ve ever said anything to you about it.’”
For the next couple of days, the two didn’t speak. Korab was waiting for an apology.
“But no, I was in the wrong for this because I had made a personal attack on him, which wasn’t the case,” Korab said.
If Korab's story is accurate, now we know why.
Oh, an by the way, Gushue has been taking plenty of criticism on the local talk shows for the decision.
(Side note to Team Danny statistician: Further to your e-mail, that should put at 10,000 the number of times Bond Papers has mentioned the skip of your team. Thanks for keeping track.)