04 October 2008

Mission Impossible

Before someone gagged Ivan Morgan, he used to write the odd column - at the Herald and the now dead Independent - on local politics.  He offered sometimes pithy observations, sometimes no so worthwhile thoughts.

Then someone laid a hand on his shoulder and told him to stop.

So he started writing about jam jams.

Back in the days when Ivan actually felt free to offer his opinion, he wrote an open letter to Ross Reid. 

This was back in the days before October 2003 when all changed and Ivan it should be allowed was prepared to crown Danny the greatest ever long before the guy had a chance to warm the chairs on the 8th floor.  Ross was doing good work overseas and Ivan felt the need to appeal to Ross' civic sense and ask the guy to come back and help keep an eye on Danny.

So your job...will be to keep a lid on Danny and his merry band. Take the edge off - so to speak.


There's a bit earlier on than that quote where Ivan talks about Tory insiders muttering darkly about Danny's "management style."

Odd how these things slip your mind until they magically appear in your inbox.

Click on the picture, right, and the thing will pop up large enough for you to read.
