This is the 15th year of Bond Papers.
This Sunday marks the 16th anniversary and there's a big announcement coming.
Check back.
In the meantime, enjoy the top 15 posts from this past year.
- The facts of the case
- Cleaning up the mess of Muskrat Falls
- Interesting news buried under bullshit
- Number of active COVID cases in NL drops dramatically
- Troubling travel ban may be illegal
- Dr. 'aggies H'answer
- On the need for politics
- John Crosbie
- All the news the mob will let us print
- Three Covid Pressures GNL will Face
- Mimicry and Pantomime
- How much is Churchill Falls worth?
- The Bow-Wow Parliament Creates a Kangaroo Kourt
- Bursting bureaucratic bullshit bubbles
- Policy confusion does no one any good
Two posts this year inadvertently wound up with the same title: