This can't be the real Danny Williams.
Well, at least it isn't the guy who diddled around with Fishery Products' income trust proposal until it was useless. Of course, when that Danny Williams got around to putting legislation in front of the House of Assembly he tried to extort FPI into putting resources into plants that weren't economically viable.

[Speaking of Abitibi, check out this government page, last updated March 10, 2005 (!) that says Abitibi is reviewing the status of its Newfoundland operations, including Stephenville. That page is linked off the New England business development page that itself was last updated a year ago. Last August, Bond Papers drew attention to the public embarrassment of that website, complete with its picture of aircraft carrier deck crew supposedly being in Newfoundland and Labrador.]
It can't be the same Danny Williams who just a month ago was talking about getting legislation to take out ExxonMobil because government and the Hebron partners couldn't get a deal on developing that field.

That last one could just be Tom Rideout riding on his own merry way. He's been known to say things that aren't backuppable and this might be another case of Rideout being out of sync with his boss.
But look at the other ones and you gotta wonder what Danny Williams is up to.

Maybe Danny Williams is running the same little psychological ploy on the business sector.
Only problem is Danny is trying to play both parts at the same time, all by himself. At least Nixon had Henry the K.
Either that or the secret cloning experiments - the real work of the Department of Business - were successful and there are really two Danny's with maybe more to come.
There's a thought for the weekend.